Monday, July 26, 2010

Keep pretending Liberals and Conservatives

I love watching the 2010 Mid Term Talking Points falling to shit. Do you really think it will be the economy?  You can download all the raw data and everybody should in the USA. Everybody else is. Hey, If Justinn Beiber can get hundreds of millions worldwide on YouTube, what do you think is going on? This is not a leak. This is a breach. It's consequences are unknown.

Did you think the Gen. Stanley McChystal exit would not have consequences? Commander in Chief Obama, are you in control? You do know there will be a global uproar and an effort neutralize the War Strategy of the USA?

Why are we debating the constitutionality of the leak? Have we gone mad? This is not in our control anymore. The world is downloading. We do have enemies. Repubs and Dems are afraid to touch it. They don't want you to be alarmed.

The military is at fault for this breach from the commander in chief to the grunts that  leaked the data. I am anti war. Got it? We have a military that is at breach.

Why would any conservative support them?

Why would any liberal support the commander in chief.

USA, you only act angry through your talking points.You are afraid of the truth. We are no longer who we pretend to be. Where are we being lead? Why are you following?

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